February 29, 2008 Friday

Day 60. Countdown to vacation. It's the leap year day and I should jump for joy but it's an extra day between me and my vacation. (taken with my camera phone)

February 28, Thursday

Day 59. My cat chewed up my brand new vacation beach slip ons. :(

February 27, 2008 Wednesday

Day 58. I don't feel well today. Ick.

February 26 Tuesday

Day 57. I had a bad day at work and decided to wind a ball of yarn and cast on a new project to de-stress. Then my yarn swift broke and the yarn got tangled.

February 25, 2008 Monday

Day 56. Checking the mailbox.

February 24, 2008 Sunday

Day 55. At the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association Quilt Auction. Professional livestock auctioneers Pete and "Sleepy" volunteer their time.

February 23, 2008 Saturday

Day 54. Another fun year at Stitches.

February 22, 2008 Friday

Day 53. At the Stitches West Fashion Show.

February 21, 2008 Thursday

Day 52. At the Stitches West Market there is a booth promoting a charity called the Mother Bear Project by displaying examples of knitted bears bound for children in Africa affected by HIV/Aids. I had partcipated in the project last summer and was pleasantly surprised to see my bear (wearing the pink skirt) on display before being sent to Africa!

February 20, 2008 Wednesday

Day 50. The best photo of the lunar eclipse that my wee little camera could handle.

February 19, 2008 Tuesday

Day 49. I got home late from a work event and this was all I got.

February 18, 2008 Monday

Day 48. Closed down the restaurant.

February 17, 2008 Sunday

Day 48. 6:30 AM. After an hour of tossing and turning, I got up and worked on my homework for the upcoming Stitches Expo.

February 16, 2008 Saturday

Day 47. New golf shoes.

February 15, 2008 Friday

Day 46. Tree chainsaw massacre outside my office.

February 14, 2008 Thursday

Day 45. My friend's dog Rigby and his teddy bear.

February 13, 2008 Wednesday

Day 44. When my tabby cat sits up, his markings form a perfect heart just below the back of his head. I tried to get a good photo of him but it's impossible to get a cat to pose! I used picasa to highlight the heart area.

February 12, 2008 Tuesday

Day 43. Playing cards lying next to my car parked outside the local pet food store.

February 11, 2008 Monday

Day 42. Valentine decoration.

February 10, 2008 Sunday

Day 41. Tonight we took my Mom to see a skating show.

February 9, 2008 Saturday

Day 40. Spotted in a parking lot in town.

February 8, 2008 Friday

Day 39. My sister and I went to see U2 3D at the IMAX this afternoon. Here I am acting silly in the goofy 3-D glasses.

February 7, 2008 Thursday

Day 38. Shot out the car window. Not the brightest colors but the first evening colors I've seen in a long time.

February 6, 2008 Wednesday

Day 37. This little black cat has been in my knitting notions bag for over 2 years. Hi Eek!

February 5, 2008 Tuesday

Day 36. Primary Election Day.

February 4, 2008 Monday

Day 35. Monday. It's a good start to the week when you show up to work wearing two different boots.

February 3, 2008 Sunday

Day 34. Not at a Superbowl party!

February 2, 2008 Saturday

Day 33. All these toys and no one will play with me.

February 1, 2008 Friday

Day 32. What my purse sees at Costco.